Leonora Feldman



Mrs. Feldman teaches our Kindergarten Class. She taught at Maranatha Christian Academy and Heritage Christian Academy (for a total of 42 years in the classroom). She holds a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction and an Elementary Education license for Grades K-8. Mrs. Feldman has taught in many states from Wisconsin to Texas and taught grades kindergarten to 4th grade. She has also done subbing in the Olathe and De Soto School districts. Teaching kindergarten is hugely rewarding. There is no greater joy than introducing my students to Jesus and to open their minds to learning new things, especially reading.

About Mrs. Feldman – She is a member of OrHaOlam Messianic Synagogue. She is also a chalk artist using black-light and music. She and her husband, Oscar (a retired music teacher) are parents to 3 children, 2 grandsons and 1 granddaughter. They love spending time with their grandsons and taking them on special-occasion trips. Mrs. Feldman is a native Hawaiian and her husband is from Zimbabwe, Africa. God led them together at Tennessee Temple University, Chattanooga, Tennessee.

What do you like to do in your spare time? My spare time is spent with my husband gardening and entertaining our grandsons. In her spare time she loves to read, learn Hebrew, Hawaiian, and Sindebili and Bible Journaling.

What does St. Paul Lutheran mean to you? St. Paul Lutheran School is a special place. God truly opened the door to be a part of this school community. I love working with servant hearts from the principal to the staff. This school has renewed my faith in service to God. I have found a resting place in this school and hope to finish my years here.

The best part about following Jesus is… the many faces of dedicated servants, meeting godly families who are committed to raise young men and women to stand for Christian principles. You grow and become a better human being when you value your calling and walk circumspectly because you believe in righteous living.